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Beatles, Boomers, Rolling Stones… What more do you want?

Ever wondered what the world would have been like without the Beatles? The John Lennon Museum in Tokyo gives an historical look on the Beatles, but then focuses on the life of John Lennon. John Lennon, no doubt, played an important role in the Beatles, but was also very successful as a solo artists as well as with Yoko Ono.

John Lenon Museum PicJohn Lennon museum - Tokyo

The Rolling Stones, still active today, were contemporaries of the Beatles, but maybe a bit more wild. The Rolling Stones' longevity, however, prove that they were not just another Sixties Rock Band.

Between the Rolling Stones and the Beatles they probably had the biggest impact on the usage of English in the World today!

Rolling Stones' singerDrummerGuitar

Wat van De la Rey?

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